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Bokeh Story Super Hero Studio Session | Kansas City Child Photographer

March 24, 2014

Bokeh Story 5 Comments

I have spent the last two months working on my website. The has a new homepage design, which is more user friendly and optimized to view from all devices. I also added a few pages under info and clients menu. There will be a full library for all bokeh story clients to access any information you need, ranging from model release, print release, contracts, client guide, to product catalog. I am working hard to provide the best experience for all my clients. Besides business revamping, I also invested all the studio gears including three studio strobes, different softboxes, light stands, speedlight, triggers, backdrops, and backdrop stands for a full studio. Although I loved my natural light studio from last year, the time I could work was still limited due to the dramatic Kansas City weather. I rented a studio in Kansas City downtown for several months last year and fell in love with studio lighting, but the commute was time consuming and it was not flexible for my need. As a Kansas City based child photographer, my goal this year is to spend as much time as I could with my family, so shooting in my home studio is the perfect solution. Why? Simply because after each session, Audrey and Wesley could come play in the studio and I could snap a few shots of them using the setup.
This is my first studio session this year. The theme is super hero! Baby Andrew is 10 months old. He plays the role of batman and super little brother. Look how cute and photogenic he is! His mommy Christy is such a beauty. She also hopped in for a couple pictures with Andrew. Instead asking super posed studio pose, I like to combine lifestyle and creative portraiture together. This new genre invited by me, I call it – lifestyle portraiture. I love to capture the natural interaction among family members, whether it’s studio session or on location family session. Andrew’s older siste Ariana is such a gorgeous little girl! She loves her super hero little brother so much. Andrew loves her too! They are so much like Audrey and Wesley. Andrew’s super hero personality is showing in all the pictures with her older sister. He tried to tickle her and pat her. Ariana just loves this little brother too much and let him do whatever he wants. She kissed him in return. Ariana was obessed with her super girl outfit as well. She picked up Andrew as super big sister. At the end, the super heros were a little tired from playing in my studio. Mommy Christy was tyring to let Andrew sit on Ariana’s back, but he couldn’t sit still for long. I got a great shot of Ariana holding face and another one of Andrew posing like a super hero. With a little photoshop magic, I created a perfect posed photo (a composite) from the two source files. The super hero sibling will be back for birthday pictures when the weather gets warm. We all cannot wait to shoot outside!
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2014-03-10_0017.jpgBokeh Story Photos Studio Session with Christy Leigh Geabhart

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    Eden Mar 25, 2014

    Love his superhero outfits! Adorable siblings.

    Christy Mar 27, 2014

    Love these pictures!

    Donna Mar 27, 2014

    These are adorable! Love them all…

    Katherine Mar 27, 2014

    Congratulations on the new home studio. You must love the flexibility of being able to work right at home. I love, love, love this super hero session, and kudos to mom for popping in on a few shots, how cool will that be in 20 years for that little guy to have those pictures of him and his mom together. Nice work.


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