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Brianna’s Bow and Arrow | Kansas City Themed Portrait Photographer

June 2, 2014

I have been dreaming of working on this concept archery shoot since last year and it finally happened! The timing and weather is just perfect. Our model is a thirteen year old girl – Brianna. She has been doing archery for two years. I first met her through my last year’s Valentine Mini. Then I saw her again during her baby brother’s lifestyle newborn and three months sessions. She has really grown into a beautiful young lady.
As I was chatting with her mom Nancy, I found out that each of her child is gifted with different talents and also a warm heart. Brianna is such a caring big sister. She takes care of younger siblings when her mom is busy home schooling all the kids. Nancy has a degree in education. Yes, she home schools all four children, plants her own garden, and raises their own chicken. What a dream lifestyle they have!
Maybe because Brianna’s living enviornment, she is the most well-mannered and sophisticated teenager girl I have met. She also has the dreamy look I envisioned for this Bow and Arrow themed session. Only 13, Brianna is just too gorgeous! Can you believe that she has no makeup on? All her did is to curl her hair. I discussed the concept with Nancy. She found the perfect renaissance hunting girl costume for Brianna. She even made the flower headband for her. I drafted out almost 20 ideas for this session. Although we did not execute all of them, I am happy with what we got. I also created some new vintage presets from hand editing this session. I hope to sell my custom presets on the market one day. This is definitely one of my favorite sessions in Bokeh Story history. I hope Brianna and her family would cherish these images as much as I do.

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    Nicole Jun 04, 2014

    Gorgeous photos! I love the added twist of the archery. So cool!

    Gary Jun 04, 2014

    This is excellent photography! From the model, color, location and clothing they’re all superb! Keep it up!

      bokehstory Jun 04, 2014

      Thank you Gary! I want to work on more concept or themed sessions this year.

    Robin Broughton Jun 04, 2014

    Beautiful photos of my niece – great experience for her!

    Eden Jun 05, 2014

    Feels like a different time and place! Beautifully shot, Lai!


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