As many of you know, I always plan my sessions ahead of time. This time the planning took more than a month and our agenda went through 6 iterations of changes. I worked closely with the parents of the senior and herself. We identified that we would go for 3 looks/outfits. Starting with a fresh […]
Can’t believer September is almost over. This is so far my busiest month this year. It is so hard to find time to take pictures of my own little family. Ever started I got into studio lighting, I go to my studio every weekend, which make it even harder to spend time with my little […]
Can’t believe summer is almost over. It’s definitely one of my favorite seasons, especially this summer isn’t that hot, which is rare here. Kansas city is known for its extreme cold winter and hot winter. I did so much this month and it’s hard to remember what all I did… Project 10×12 is probably turning […]
After shooting with Staci in the studio, I am more interested in fashion photography. Either on location using natural light or in studio using studio lighting, models and styling are major components of a successful fashion photo shoot. So… I started hunting for models. It does takes some courage to talk to pretty people and ask […]
Time flies, I can’t believe my little ones are hitting another birthday in 2 months! To celebrate my Irish twins Wesley turning 2 and Audrey turning 3 in October, I will have a little one’s milestone special until mid October every Saturday morning! See the marketing board below for details. Fill out the form below to […]
Are you a wild animal lover? You will enjoy this post if you are! We always have robins coming to build nest under our deck every spring. Three weeks ago, we found a baby robin fell out of the nest in our backyard, so we put the baby bird back in the nest. After a few […]
Every family has its story and this family is so special in many ways. There’re just so many stories in this 21 people big family. Invited by my family physician Dr. Christine Nedeau, I had the honor to take family pictures for Dr. Iway’s family in their beautiful home. Dr. Nedeau is the second daughter of […]
Time flies! It’s already time for my second Project post. Remember what 10×12 is? I will post 10 personal photos related to my life every month for 12 months! To me, February is the month of love and festival. falls in February. I had a successful series of Valentine’s Day mini sessions in my studio, where […]
This is my very first real blog post about me as a photographer. Starting from January I will have a Project post every month this year. This was inspired by a photography momma group I am in and I will post personal photos of my life every month for months! I normally do not post […]
Hello everyone, this is my first ever blog on Bokeh Story Photos. I will do a brief introduction of the new name, logo, site and blog. First, I changed the name of this site from Bokeh Story Photography to . Next, I also re-designed the logo. It’s not a completely re-design, but the flower and bokeh […]