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Eli’s One Year | Kansas City Child Photographer

December 2, 2014

This is the third time I am photographing baby Eli. I first met him when he was only 9 days old from his lifestyle newborn session. He has been such a good baby since the beginning. Then his mommy Michelle brought him to see me at his 8 months studio session. In that story, I said that I never saw a baby as photogenic and cooperative as Eli. He sat still in the studio “reading books”. He was a little tired after 30 minutes, but was ON FIRE after I gave him some yogurt melts.

This time we are celebrating his upcoming one year old. Michelle wanted to do an outdoor family session with the fall leaves. She invited me to their lake house in the beautiful Weatherby Lake area. I feel like was in Lake Lure in North Carolina. Unfortunately, there was construction going on in their neighborhood, we had to drive to a trail close to their house for the session. It was around 3pm – the warmest time of a chilly day. Baby Eli started walking before he turned 11 months! What a champion! We started by taking a couple candid shots of the Goth family interacting with each other. Baby Eli really wanted to walk by himself. He was holding his mommy and daddy’s hands first, but he ran towards me after a few seconds. He ran too fast and lost one of his shoes. His daddy helped him putting his shoe back on and he started jogging again. These are all cute and sweet moments.

We kept walking into the trail and found a long log. The family set down on it, but Eli did not want to. Shortly after 10 seconds, he jumped off the log to play with the sticks and leaves in the woods. His daddy picked him up to play with him. He fought back to get down. We played a lot in the woods. One of my favorites is the photo of Michelle kissing Eli. I was in tears when I was editing these images. All I could feel is the love in between mommy and baby. I also got a great family photo of the Goth family. They were all smiling in that one, but not the fake school picture type of smile. They really look happy in that image. Eli is such a smart and sweet baby. He let us know that he was getting tired and wanted to call it a day, so Michelle put his winter hat on and started heading out of the woods. I took a few shots following them walking out of the trail. Eli is so cute wearing that hat. It was close to sunset and the haze was so beautiful. It was such a sweet session. I look forward to see Eli and his family coming back more and more!

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    Heather Aug 19, 2015

    What a sweet family session! You sure did an amazing job capturing little guy’s personality!

    Steve Aug 19, 2015

    As always, your eye doesn’t fail you. Great pictures of this young family!


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