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Good Night Moon | Kansas City Lifestyle Photographer

April 28, 2014

Don’t you love that it’s finally getting warmer? We could finally get out of our house and play outside after dinner while it’s still bright. Wesley loves balls – basketball, football, tennis balls, baseball, car wheels, and the list goes on. Among all these balls, basketball is his favorite. He has a little basketball goal, but he prefers to use the real hoop in our driveway.
Audrey has her own basketball too. Both of them like daddy lifting them up to slam dunk.
Oh, while daddy’s doing “leftover” yardwork, they like to help too! We are teaching them to share the household chores and make it fun while they are doing it.
It started getting dark and the moon is out. Wesley used to call the moon a ball a year ago. Time flies and he now understand the difference between a ball and moon, a bird and airplane, etc. The moon was so close and I had to snap a few shots of the moon. 2014-04-11_0007.jpg
With the total lunar eclipse to reveal ‘blood moon’ in night, how could I let this get away? I got up at middle of the night to capture this natural wonder. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes directly behind the Earth into its umbra. This can occur only when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are aligned exactly, or very closely so, with the Earth in the middle. The first total lunar eclipse of 2014 occurs in the overnight hours of April 15 and will be visible across most of North America, South America, Hawaii and parts of Alaska. We are so lucky to be in North America to see this.

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    Dana Apr 28, 2014

    Your kids are adorable! Love the candid captures you got 🙂

    Katie Brockpahler Apr 28, 2014

    Sooooo adorable!! I love how excited they look! And your moon shots are breathtaking!

      bokehstory Apr 30, 2014

      Thank you Katie! I will try to do a better job on moon shots in the next blood moon.

    Brandy Apr 30, 2014

    Every time I see a night shot, it makes me want to stay up all night exploring the sky with my camera. Fun!!!


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