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Henleys Family Photos | Kansas City Family Photographer

November 19, 2014

It was my pleasure to photograph the Henley’s fall family photos. I met Rachel through a business trip from my day job and became friends. She was just looking for a photographer to take her family pictures, which she has not done for a few years.

Rachel has two darling children – William and Morgan. William is six years old and Morgan just turned two. Rachel has warned me that William is very shy and might not getting pictures taken, but I told her that I will use my tricks to get him treats. We planned to take her family session in a trail close to their house – I follow them as they walk. I told her this would work out great for family with small children. My style for family sessions is casual and relaxed. Although I ask for a couple posed family shots, the majority are those stolen moments that families interact with each other. I do give a little directions of in what range they can play, so I can capture what they are doing. We started with the family playing with leaves, then mommy and son interaction, sibling interaction, and have them start walking on the trail. While they walk on the trail, I was lucky to capture a few head shots for the Henry kids. After passing the bridge, we went deep in the woods. Daddy John and William played with throwing leaves for him to catch and they had so much fun. Morgan is such a little model, she loves getting photos taken. I promised these two kids that I would give them Chinese snacks after the session, so they were super excited. At the end, we found a giant mushroom in the woods. William and Morgan were so fascinated with this mushroom, but they are so good and did not touch it. Their dad was telling Morgan what a mushroom is and which ones are eatable and which ones are not.

It was such a fun family session in the woods. I hope Rachel and her family would cherish these images for years.

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    Ruth Bloch Jan 16, 2015

    Such a beautiful family!!! Really gorgeous work!

    Jo Jan 16, 2015

    I adore how natural, fun and candid these are! The family will love them!!! I love how it’s all come together to tell such a beautiful story.

      bokehstory Jan 16, 2015

      Thanks Jo! We all had fun during this session.

    Lori Jan 16, 2015

    Beautiful family and pictures! Looks like it was a fun session and you captured their love for each other.


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