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Project 10×12 – August 2013 | Kansas City Lifestyle Photograher

August 28, 2013

Can’t believe summer is almost over. It’s definitely one of my favorite seasons, especially this summer isn’t that hot, which is rare here. Kansas city is known for its extreme cold winter and hot winter. I did so much this month and it’s hard to remember what all I did… Project 10×12 is probably turning into 100×12 for the the remaining months of this year because I have so much exciting things to share.

My inlaws came all the way from China to stay with us for a year. The kids are so happy that grandparents are here again, but it’s probably the first time that Wesley sees them when he has memory. We take walks in the neighborhood in weekend mornings. One Saturday morning I saw Audrey and Wesley taking a walk with grandparents, so I followed them secretly at first to take some candid pictures. After they noticed me we took a few kids grandparents interaction pictures. It’s so nice to take a walk around 8am around this time of year. I highly recommend it. It’s a great relaxing way to spend time with kids.

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Since the weather is so nice this summer, we’ve been having dinner on our deck quite often. Our deck runs the entire width of our house and kids love to run and play on it. Even if we don’t have dinner on it, we will all chill on the deck after dinner. Kids like to play on the swing, sit on their little chairs, or just chasing each other.



One night after doing the dishes, I found Audrey stood on her little chair styling grandpa’s hair. She said she was washing grandpa’s hair. Then she asked Wesley to come over, but Wesley didn’t seem  like he was interested and he kept escaping from big sister. Audrey also got her first pedi and mani this month!


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Both Audrey and Wesley suffered from hand foot mouth disease 2 weeks ago. I somehow got it too! It is rare that adults get this disease, but it could happen. The germ is usually transferred from saliva, thus it is highly contagious among kids 4 and younger. Both kids did not eat for 3 entire days because their mouth and throat were filled with coldsores. Audrey barely drank for 2 days. All she had was 1 popsicle. We were all so worried about them. They finally got better after 4 tough days and started eating again. My husband cooked their favorite pasta – tuna rotini salad. Wesley had 3 bowls and Audrey had 2. They were sitting at the fireplace area eating their first bowl. It makes so happy.

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    patty Aug 29, 2013

    I just want to eat them! (your kids!) 🙂

    Eden Bao Aug 29, 2013

    So nice to capture this moment with your kids and their grandparents!

    Angela Aug 29, 2013

    So cute! Love the vivid colors!

    Christine Aug 31, 2013

    Your children are beautiful! So awesome you got to capture some beautiful images with their grandparents 🙂


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