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Project 10×12 – July 2013 | Kansas City Lifestyle Photograher

July 31, 2013

Time flies… More than half of 2013 is gone. My Irish twins are getting more and more mobile and active. I have to keep an eye on them every minute. We did a really fun casual photoshoot in my front yard this month. Wesley loves to shoot basketball, so does Audrey. We have a toy basketball goal in our house, but they are not interested in that so much. They decided to try the real basketball in our front yard. Of course it was too tall for them to shoot balls, so daddy lowered the height for them. Little people just want to imitate everything adults do. Right, they want to try slam dunk! Thanks to my father-in-law for holding them to the hoop’s height, so they could do what they really want. I couldn’t get their slam dunk shots if my in-laws are not here. Even if they are close to the hoop, it’s still hard for their little hands to put the ball into the hoop… I have to say that Wesley’s got a potential to become a basketball player because he is very accurate!!! He never missed putting the ball into the hoop while slam dunking. When he actually shoot his toy basketball, the accurate rate is pretty high too. Our neighbor’s dog walked by to say hi and the kids are so happy to see the doggie. Audrey kept saying “I like doggie, I like doggie…” Wesley said, “doggie, doggie, wu wu wu…” I even found some wild mushroom in our lawn. Also the daffodils are blooming in my front yard. It was such a fun Sunday morning for our little family.

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    patty Jul 31, 2013

    your kids are so stinking cute!! Love the slam dunk shots

    Natalie Bee Aug 01, 2013

    We have all those darn mushrooms all over our lawn too!! I just love watching your kids gradually grow up. So adorable <3

      Bokeh Story Photos Aug 02, 2013

      Thanks Natalie! I hope these mushrooms are not poisonous.

    Karilyn Aug 01, 2013

    Adorable! Great photos:-)


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