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Project 10×12 – September 2013 | Kansas City Portrait Photograher

September 25, 2013

Can’t believer September is almost over. This is so far my busiest month this year. It is so  hard to find time to take pictures of my own little family. Ever started I got into studio lighting, I go to my studio every weekend, which make it even harder to spend time with my little ones. My husband had a great idea to bring the kids to the studio. It was Labor Day weekend and my mom came to visit us in town. She demanded pictures with her grand babies, so we all went to my studio. It is so hard to light a white background with just 2 lights because it would turn grey most likely. It takes at least 4-5 lights to light a white background.

Audrey as always really enjoys getting her photos taken. Wesley again, started crying right after I put him on the backdrop. I had to jump in with everyone to get a random family photo taken. As you can see, I was not expected to be in the pictures because I did not have any makeup on and was in my workout clothes. I also sweated all over and looked tired and dirty; but it was the only way to comfort my little pumpkin. He is a mommy’s boy!2013-09-02_0001 2013-09-02_0002 2013-09-02_00032013-09-02_00082013-09-02_00042013-09-25_0002

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    Angela Sep 30, 2013

    What wonderful captures of a lovely family!

    Eden Oct 01, 2013

    Ha ha, your brave! Love these images. I haven’t stepped in front of my camera for family pics since last Christmas!


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