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Raising Hope Gala Events | Kansas City Events Photographer

April 21, 2014

If you read the Raising Hope Gala Portrait post, you know that this the second story of this event. The 21st Annual Raising Hope Gala was hosted in Westin Crown Center in Kansas City. It is a fundraising event to support  The Philippine Medical Society of Greater Kansas City‘s upcoming mission of providing health care procedures and necessities to those who don’t have access to basic medical services. All the proceeds goes to covering the cost of sending personnel as well as logistics for sending supplies. My primary physician Dr. Christine Nedeau invite Billy and I to this event and learn more about what they do. The Philippine Medical Society of Greater Kansas City is a 501c3 non-profit organization. The current president is Dr. Yvonne Spurlock. She is the older sister of Dr. Christine Nedeau, whom is the director and coordinator of the charity. Dr. Yvonne Spurlock opened the night with a power speech of how their medical mission impacts our society.


The Philippine Medical Society of Greater Kansas City (PMSGKC), in cooperation with the Philippine Nurses Association of Greater Kansas City (PNAGKC) – along with non-medical volunteers, make an annual trip to the Philippines every year to serve those in need of access to medical care.


Aside from a series of fundraising events, the charity collect donations of supplies and applicable equipment of all types. These are then sorted, packed, and stored prior to transport. All funds donated cover the costs of freight shipping and door-to-door delivery of supplies and equipment. The balance of funds is used to purchase other items. Specific medical supplies that may be endemic or have a short shelf life are purchased in the Philippines.


All missioners pay their own way; however, the cost of their accommodations is covered during the duration of the mission. All missioners who participated in this year’s mission trip received their certification of completion as their recognition of devotion to the medical mission. After the recognition, a recap video of the 2014 medical mission trip was presented to all the guests. This production by Rommel Chico highlighted some of the most memorable events of this year’s mission trip. The mission trip went to Angono, Rizal (Philippines), which is located 19 miles east of the capital, Manila. This is the 21st mission trip. All the missioners, include all clinicians and a few tech support personnel went to the most rural area in the Philippines. There’re days that they did not have access to computers and internet. In the video, there is a girl talking about how the hurricane devastated her hometown and her house was gone. They were living in tents and it was cold at night. They only have one blanket for the family and she gave that to her little brother. All the sibling were cuddling each other to keep warm at night. I was in tears when I was watching this video. Dr. Nedeau said that going to the mission trip every year is part of her life now. By doing this makes her feel good because the trip brings happiness to those people in need of health care. There is a blog on the medical mission’s website if you want to learn more about what they do. You can also donate from their website.


The Annual Raising Hope Gala is the medical ball for PMSGKC. This year’s theme is Una Natte a Venezia (A Night in Venice). It was night filled with fine dining, entertainment, fabulous prizes, and dance. Believe or not, Dr. Yvonne Spurlock is also a fantastic ballroom dancer! She is wife to Dr. Dan Spurlock. Together they have three beautiful girls. She’s board certified in internal medicine and current practicing at Liberty Clinic. Outside of her busy daily schedule, she plays the piano and enjoys dance and watching professional football.

At Raising Hope Gala, we had a benefit raffle with drawing a number of prizes that night. This is the drawing of the last iPad Air. Guess who’s the lucky winner?

The Master of Ceremony is Mr. Joel Nedeau – husband of Dr. Christine Nedeau. He announced, “The last winner of our grand prize is Lai! Our photographer!” I was taking pictures of all the guests winning and I couldn’t believe I won! I bought two raffle tickets to show my support to the charity and never thought that I could win!

These are Dr. Spurlock and Dr. Nedeau’s girls. They are all competition dancers and they couldn’t wait to get on the dance floor. In the background, there’s another event photographer Jim Jarvis also snapping a picture of the girls dancing.


The Raising Hope Gala was such a fun and eyes wide open experience for me. I was manning a benefit portrait booth and taking event photos at the same time. From reception, taking formal portraits for the guests, full course dinner with menu in Italian, mission trip presentation, dance, drawing prizes, taking candid event photos, to more formal portraits; I enjoyed every minute at the ball. Thanks to Dr. Christine Nedeau for letting me me part of this wonderful event! I truly learned a lot about your medical mission trip. I would like to go on this mission trip some day. It would be an unforgettable experience of lifetime!


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    liz Apr 21, 2014

    Absolutely wonderful, Lai! You rocked this!

    liz Apr 21, 2014

    Awesome job, Lai! Loved the pictures!

    lorena Apr 22, 2014

    What a great cause! Great job.

    Eden Apr 22, 2014

    What a great organization and a awesome event to capture!

    christine Apr 22, 2014

    Great captures! What a wonderful organization.


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