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The Parkhursts Fall Family Session 2013

November 12, 2013

I had so much fun taking family pictures for the Parkhursts family last weekend. Pamela and Bradley have a cute little boy Graison. He is 18 months old. Pamela said Graison was very good for studio pictures and hope that he would cooperate for the on location family photo shoot. This was Graison’s first photoshoot outdoor and he was so excited about exploring the beautiful location. This is the most colorful time of the year. The leaves are in red, yellow, and orange shades. Graison just couldn’t stop running around. We did lots of candid shots first. He really enjoyed “flying” in the air. The Parkhurst family do this at home to entertain their precious son. Pamela is a full-time mom. Daddy Bradley works really hard to support the family.

I am so happy that I caught a few shots of everyone looking at me and smiling. Pamela really helped me to achieve this. Little ones just want to run and explore when they go to a new location. Pamela was so good at making Graison giggle and laugh. The little family also had lots of fun with the leaves. It was probably Graison’s first time playing with fall leaves after he started walking. I just love this little family.

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    Pamela Parkhurst Nov 13, 2013

    We had a very good time with you Lai. I wish Graison had sat still for you but he just loves the outdoors so much. 🙂 He is a very curious and busy little boy. Hopefully next time he will start “posing”. Thank you so much for being so patient with us. We certainly enjoyed our time with you.

      Bokeh Story Photos Nov 13, 2013

      I really enjoyed photographing your family Pamela! Graison is so cute. He does not have to pose. I love capturing the candid moments of little kids. He did great!

    Eden Nov 13, 2013

    They look like they had a blast! Wonderful family images to remember the moment by!


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